Thursday, December 8, 2011


Any good theatre major would know how you’re supposed to measure your life- in seasons of love. Rent told us that this is the best way in which to truly cherish your life. And really, who are we to argue with the Tony board?
But what is a season? According to them, every minute is a season. But coming from New York, I always saw seasons as purely something to do with weather. Really when the climate changes so drastically, it becomes engrained that the meaning is purely meteorological.
But when you come to Florida, everything changes. Life slows down, the sun is always out, and you train yourself to clap in the Gator formation. Therefore, a change in the way that one sees season is almost a rite of passage.
I finally understand the seasons of life now. This program, though it spanned 3 seasons of New York weather, was only one in my life. It was something that I had to break up my college experience, make amazing new friends, and really let myself loosen up a little. But I know that in less than a month, my car will be packed up and I will be headed on for my next season. This program will be the only season that is emblazoned with Disney’s seal.
But what about those that I’m leaving behind? I take for granted that they were one of a kind to me. I see my friendships with these people as very unique. But then, one has to remember that my unique season, that I will constantly bring up when cocktail conversations lag, is just another season to those that are always here.
They see waves of us, coming every six months with stars in our eyes, thinking that there has never been a program before us, and there will never be one after us. Yet sometime, we must realize that we may not be as special as we think we are. That inwardly, some full timers are probably waiting for the next group to come, or longing for the one that just left. 
How does someone really make friends like that?
It’s constant self doubt once you realize you’re not that special. And that your fantastic new friends have a whole new group coming in. Maybe the jokes you shared are one of a kind, or maybe they’re recycled from the last program. You can be whomever you want when your companions change every 6 months.
I hope to work here full time sometime in my life. At least for 2 years. I think there would be no greater test of yourself than seeing if you can stay consistent for that many waves of friends.
This is just my thought process. I could be totally off base. Perhaps my cynicism is hampering my ability to harbor long lasting relationships. Maybe a full-timer will read this and say that they have the best job in the world. Not because they have an unorthodox attachment to pink sauce, but because they make so many friends.  Maybe there is no greater blessing in the world. Or maybe it gives them abandonment issues.
I’d be curious to know how we're viewed here.
I personally hope to keep up my friendships from those I’ve met here. I hope when our next season comes, whether the weather is a factor or not, we can all make a little time to prove the cynic in me wrong.


  1. Welcome to my world. Sure, camp seasons work a little differently...there's more overlap. While there are some people who I was only a camper with once, there are others who came back every year. Then it was the same on staff...some people came back year after year, some people only came for one summer. Sure, this means I now have a ridiculous amount of friends from camp, many of whom I haven't seen for years and don't know when I'll ever see them again. But that doesn't mean I didn't appreciate the new friends I made every new summer. There were people I missed from previous summers, of course. But I think when your friends rotate with the seasons (actual seasons in my case) you learn to live with and love whichever friends are with you at the time. You also learn that it takes work (and I am terrible at this) to keep in touch with the people who have scattered away. But even if you are far away, even if you haven't seen each other or spoken in years, there is the continuing hope that one day you will see each other again.

    I can't speak for your Disney friends, but if they are anything like me, they will miss you and hope you come back someday...but they will form new friendships when new friends come along. Not to replace you, but because one can never have too many friends.

  2. As someone who has moved a lot in their life I feel I can relate to this. I suppose you could put me in the position of "full-timer" that you referred to as I move from place to place and meet new people and make new friends. Yes, it's a blessing to have met so many people, all different and wonderful in their own way. But I would say it's a curse too. Soon I'll just be moving to the next town. All those friends I've made I lose over time and distance. It doesn't make them any less special to me. I will always miss and appreciate the friends I've made in life. Often I don't want to make new friends because I'm sick of the vicious cycle but I always end up making at least a few and eventually I become so grateful for them. I suppose it's just life for everyone, hellos, goodbyes and those few occasional hello agains that remain. Sorry that seemed a bit of a ramble. XD
